Olá loves! Sinto-me vazia e triste, desde o início de Abril que um dos meus sites favoritos desapareceu, ou seja foi adquirido pelo outro site chamado SSENSE :(
 Recebi um email deles e quando dei conta, já não tinha o meu próprio link do Polyvore, que eu nunca me irei esquecer.

Na mensagem que eu recebi do Polyvore, fiquei bastante abatida e emocionada, porque eu adorava fazer sets (aka conjuntos de roupa) e era algo que eu fazia para me distrair,  era um hobbie e dava para relaxar imenso, caso estivesse num dia mau ou muito inspirada...

"We are so grateful for your enthusiasm and your spirit these past 11 years, and we hope you’ll keep expressing your style at SSENSE and everywhere in your life and supporting others as they do the same.  Thank you for all the stylish memories."

The Polyvore Team

 Só de pensar que passei 7 anos no Polyvore, que começei a fazer sets aos 14 anos começo a entrar no mood nostalgia total. Eu era uma tipica adolescente que na altura adorava os One Direction, creepers, todas as coisas que tinham a ver com o UK, Starbucks e por ai em diante...
 Agora vendo os meus últimos sets que fazia, relembro de pensar no look que irei levar para o aeroporto, ou para viajar, nas famosas Dr. Martens ( que por acaso desdo os meus 14 anos que eu já fazia sets com as Dr. Martens e são o único calçado que eu gosto ainda hoje em dia), 
 Já não existe nenhum Polyvore, agora é só memórias e lembranças. E agora? Onde irei fazer os meus sets? 
 Uma parte boa deste email que eu recebi da Polyvore, é que podia reaver todos os sets que fiz. Eu vou colocar todos os sets neste post porque são mesmo uma lembrança para mim e do meu trajeto. Ao total são 440 sets. Eu vou colocar os sets todos por ordem cronológica ou seja do primeiro de todos até ao último de todos.


 Hello loves! I feel empty and sad, since the beginning of April that one of my favorite sites disappeared, that is was acquired by another website called SSENSE :(
  I received an email from them and when I realized, I no longer had my own Polyvore link, which I will never forget.


In the message I received from Polyvore, I was very depressed and moved, because I loved to make sets (aka sets of clothes) and it was something I did to distract myself, it was a hobby and I could relax a lot if I was on a bad day or very inspired ...

"We are so grateful for your enthusiasm and your spirit these past 11 years, and we hope you’ll keep expressing your style at SSENSE and everywhere in your life and supporting others as they do the same.  Thank you for all the stylish memories."

The Polyvore Team

 Just to think that I spent 7 years in Polyvore, I started to make sets at age 14 beginning to enter the total nostalgia mood. I was a typical teenager who used to love the One Direction, creepers, all things that had to do with the UK, Starbucks and so on ...

 Now seeing my last sets that I did, I remember thinking about the look I'm going to take to the airport, or to travel, in the famous Dr. Martens (who happened to be 14 years old and I was already doing sets with Dr. Martens and are the only shoes I like even today),

 There is no Polyvore anymore, now it's just memories and memories. And now? Where will I make my sets?

 A good part of this email I received from Polyvore was that I could retrieve all the sets I made. I'll put all the sets in this post because they are even a souvenir for me and my journey. The total is 440 sets. I'm going to put the sets all chronologically, or from the first of them all to the last of them all.
Thank you Polyvore for everything, I will never forget you <3

1 comment

  1. Também gostava desse site era útil para criar looks!

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    Beijinhos ♥
